16. apr. 2011

Dokumentarec: Taste the Waste

A documentary about the worldwide destruction of food
Why do we throw away so much? And how can we stop this kind of waste?
Film by Valentin Thurn

Kratek insert dokumentarnega filma si lahko ogledate tukaj.

(Vir: http://german-documentaries.de/-/films/43913) "Why are ever-greater quantities being destroyed? We seek explanations: from supermarket sales staff and managers, from bakers, wholesale market inspectors, welfare recipients, ministers, farmers and EU bureaucrats. It’s a system that we all take part in: Supermarkets constantly have the complete selection of merchandise on offer, the bread on the shelves has to be fresh until late in the evening, strawberries are in demand at any time of the year. And everything has to look just right: One withered leaf of lettuce, a crack in a potato or a dent in an apple and the goods are sorted out; containers of yogurt as early as two days before the ‘sell by’ date has expired."

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